Saturday, August 29, 2015


Immigration is in the fore front of discussion at the moment so i guess i will put my opinion in. I have no problem with people immigrating here legally to become American citizens as my ancestors did. No one should. That does not mean you ignore your heritage. There are millions of American Irish, American Scots, American Italians, American Jews, American Cubans, American Canadians, American Mexicans, and on, and on. Where it all starts to fall apart is the illegals that don't want to wait for the system (which is broke) to acknowledge them and come here anyway.
They are not Americans any more than me sneaking into any other country and working under the table for years makes me a legitimate member of their society.
 Being a Texan i know the need for labor for farmers and such. The Mexicans in general are a hard working and honorable people that deserve the ability to come here and make a living. That need to make a living does not make them citizens however.
  Anyone should be able to come here as needed for a short time on work visas and then be required to return to their country of origin. The overstaying and subsequent deportation should  disqualify anyone from coming back on another work visa. 
No criminals should be allowed here for any reason period.
  Just because someone managed to sneak in here and operate in our society for years undetected does not entitle them to become a citizen nor does it make them legal. And if they have children here, the fact they are here illegally, also make their children illegal. 
Some say the constitution says if you are born here you are a citizen.  And it does. It was made for the children of slaves brought here. Not for other people wanting citizenship by proxy. By that thinking the people coming here would have to be brought here as slaves, which you know we have outlawed.
 The hard and undeniable truth is that it isn't just Mexicans or Canadians looking for work coming across the borders. In today's world we have to watch for terrorists, cartels, human traffickers, drug smugglers, and anyone who wants to bring the U.S. to it's knees. 
  If you come here to become a citizen you must become an American(whatever) and assimilate into society.Not to be a burden on it or start your own country inside ours. It's not up for grabs, be one of us or don't be here.

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