Sunday, August 17, 2014


I have always said the changes on a worldwide scale could never take place as long as the older generations are still among us resisting. I am referring to the biblical predictions and the things that will have to take place to bring them about. I know they have to happen at some time for God's plan to take place. But I was sure it would be in the future generations as the independent thinking would be phased out of society. As I go through the headlines I am seeing more and more evidence that I was mistaken. I see our Government sneaking laws in behind our backs ( and our elected officials) to gain control of our guns, healthcare, money, individual rights, and on and on. I am seeing police departments being turned into military units, I see our constitution being ignored time and time again for our supposed own good. Hardly anything goes on that does not become a political party debate.
And very little is said, if mentioned at all. From what I can tell the general public doesn't want to know or just doesn't care.
We have allowed class warfare to seep into our society. It does not matter how it got there, what concerns me is it seems to be embraced without a thought as to the long term effects.
Have we become complacent, callous, thoughtless zombies only concerned about what directly affects us and our families? I think...yes. 
The fighting for what is right and free must be done by our young of whom we have failed. We have failed them by not showing them (by example) what a family is supposed to be like, what faith is supposed to look like, and by allowing their minds to be corrupted and turned away from traditions, basic survival skill, and what true freedom is supposed to look and feel like. 
So instead of standing firm on what they are supposed to know, they are trying to find their footing on all the slippery slopes of the "new" society where compliance is the order of things and any variance in opinion is radicalism, betrayal, or insanity. It is my solemn prayer these young ones have the presence of mind and the faith to get it figured out before it's too late for society as a whole.

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