Saturday, June 21, 2014


I understand we can only handle a certain amount of illegals at a time flowing across our border. I understand this is a crime. I understand having to fly them other places when the facilities here in Texas get over crowded. I don't understand why we need to hire 65,000 escorts for these children who got here primarily by themselves. I don't understand why our Governor and our President are not burning up the phone lines to these little Central American countries asking what the heck is going on over there. If it's so bad parents have to send their children alone for their own safety maybe they need help getting control of their country. We should at least be deducting the cost of these immigrants from the money we are sending to them. If it were Americans the Child Protective Service would be removing them from their home and filing charges of wreck less endangerment on us.
Then maybe, just maybe, the parents heard that the new laws would let children stay and at some point they will be able to join them. Whatever the story is i can not fault some one for trying to get to a better place ( as my ancestors did, legally ). It's just the little sneaky backdoor game i have a problem with. However it is not all the illegal immigrants fault. The politicians love to play their little games with immigration and border security to the point it's sickening. This is my home and damn if i will see it used as a pawn in some politician's bit for power. You lowlifes in Washington back the hell off!

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