Sunday, March 2, 2014



  I will say a few words on this touchy topic. I know it's not PC to comment on this topic but i will anyway. Being PC has never been a talent of mine. Now before anyone on either side of this topic gets fired up and decides what i am or am not before i even get started i will tell you i will not be gay bashing. Nor will i be endorsing the lifestyle. I simply have a few opinions on the topic and if you agree or not it is not relevant as they are just simply my opinions.
I do not think people who practice things outside the normal for most of the population should be persecuted or abused in any matter. It is a fact that most of the world is not gay and if it were there would be no repopulating and we would simply die out and fade away. The gay community can not sustain it's self without reproduction, which means the opposite sex has to be involved in the process. So there is no concept where homosexuality can be considered normal. Having the gay population expand in numbers does not make it normal, it simply reflects on the state of the population in general.
 I have no qualms with same sex marriage, and having the government recognize it. I do however have a problem with it be considered a normal marriage. Only by adoption or donor can this marriage produce children and that is not normal. I have a problem with being told i have to recognize it one way or the other. Once again if two same sex partners want to get married i could care less.
 It is my opinion that the majority of gays are very bright, articulate, and completely full of personality. Many are artists of some form. As with all groups there are the exceptions, but i am speaking generally.
 As a man of faith in questions of this matter i always go to man's user manual ( the bible ) for the answer. God did not mince words about homosexuality. He did not think it was a good idea. He also told us judgement was his domain and for man to stay out of it. We are to love all people the same as we do ourselves. And we do not have to answer for sin that is not our own. You don't have to agree with or understand another man's view of life to treat them with respect.

       Be good to one another and God bless

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