Saturday, August 29, 2015


Immigration is in the fore front of discussion at the moment so i guess i will put my opinion in. I have no problem with people immigrating here legally to become American citizens as my ancestors did. No one should. That does not mean you ignore your heritage. There are millions of American Irish, American Scots, American Italians, American Jews, American Cubans, American Canadians, American Mexicans, and on, and on. Where it all starts to fall apart is the illegals that don't want to wait for the system (which is broke) to acknowledge them and come here anyway.
They are not Americans any more than me sneaking into any other country and working under the table for years makes me a legitimate member of their society.
 Being a Texan i know the need for labor for farmers and such. The Mexicans in general are a hard working and honorable people that deserve the ability to come here and make a living. That need to make a living does not make them citizens however.
  Anyone should be able to come here as needed for a short time on work visas and then be required to return to their country of origin. The overstaying and subsequent deportation should  disqualify anyone from coming back on another work visa. 
No criminals should be allowed here for any reason period.
  Just because someone managed to sneak in here and operate in our society for years undetected does not entitle them to become a citizen nor does it make them legal. And if they have children here, the fact they are here illegally, also make their children illegal. 
Some say the constitution says if you are born here you are a citizen.  And it does. It was made for the children of slaves brought here. Not for other people wanting citizenship by proxy. By that thinking the people coming here would have to be brought here as slaves, which you know we have outlawed.
 The hard and undeniable truth is that it isn't just Mexicans or Canadians looking for work coming across the borders. In today's world we have to watch for terrorists, cartels, human traffickers, drug smugglers, and anyone who wants to bring the U.S. to it's knees. 
  If you come here to become a citizen you must become an American(whatever) and assimilate into society.Not to be a burden on it or start your own country inside ours. It's not up for grabs, be one of us or don't be here.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


I have always said the changes on a worldwide scale could never take place as long as the older generations are still among us resisting. I am referring to the biblical predictions and the things that will have to take place to bring them about. I know they have to happen at some time for God's plan to take place. But I was sure it would be in the future generations as the independent thinking would be phased out of society. As I go through the headlines I am seeing more and more evidence that I was mistaken. I see our Government sneaking laws in behind our backs ( and our elected officials) to gain control of our guns, healthcare, money, individual rights, and on and on. I am seeing police departments being turned into military units, I see our constitution being ignored time and time again for our supposed own good. Hardly anything goes on that does not become a political party debate.
And very little is said, if mentioned at all. From what I can tell the general public doesn't want to know or just doesn't care.
We have allowed class warfare to seep into our society. It does not matter how it got there, what concerns me is it seems to be embraced without a thought as to the long term effects.
Have we become complacent, callous, thoughtless zombies only concerned about what directly affects us and our families? I think...yes. 
The fighting for what is right and free must be done by our young of whom we have failed. We have failed them by not showing them (by example) what a family is supposed to be like, what faith is supposed to look like, and by allowing their minds to be corrupted and turned away from traditions, basic survival skill, and what true freedom is supposed to look and feel like. 
So instead of standing firm on what they are supposed to know, they are trying to find their footing on all the slippery slopes of the "new" society where compliance is the order of things and any variance in opinion is radicalism, betrayal, or insanity. It is my solemn prayer these young ones have the presence of mind and the faith to get it figured out before it's too late for society as a whole.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Texans, Real Texans are a good bunch of people. They are hard, strong willed, and usually keep their emotions to themselves. With the influx of other cultures and northerners we find a lot of the hardness has been bred out or at least thinned out a lot. And as a result we are living our lives more and more according to how we feel. We don't feel something is important so we don't do it. We feel like this thing is more important than that, so we do what we feel . We do not look at what needs to be done, instead we focus on what we feel like doing. We are too busy with our everyday lives to pay attention to what's going on in our state as far as legislation goes. We can't be bothered with keeping an eye on the federal government. Well they are keeping an eye on you. The Washington crowd sees us as a source of income, a flock to be herd in which ever direction they choose and to be ignored at every opportunity. The politicians come here wanting us to hand them power in the form of what ever office they are running for and say what they need to to get us in their camp. All along knowing we want to feel they are the best choice, and also counting on the fact that we won't feel like doing our due diligence in checking them out or verifying what they tell us is fact. So you get the disaster that we have now going on in the upper levels of our presidency. 
Texas cannot afford to be complacent. We have too much at stake. We have a huge state that must be guarded from the effects of our own inherit generosity. We must be aware when some one wants to come here and change the laws or customs because that is the way it was done where they came from. We must be aware when someone comes here trying do divide us into categories, for that is just another form of divide and conquer. When we stand together on a thing, as a state, as a Texan, there is nothing that can overcome us. As long as we are united no one will want to try. And those that would test our resolve in matters would soon wish they had not!

Saturday, June 21, 2014


I understand we can only handle a certain amount of illegals at a time flowing across our border. I understand this is a crime. I understand having to fly them other places when the facilities here in Texas get over crowded. I don't understand why we need to hire 65,000 escorts for these children who got here primarily by themselves. I don't understand why our Governor and our President are not burning up the phone lines to these little Central American countries asking what the heck is going on over there. If it's so bad parents have to send their children alone for their own safety maybe they need help getting control of their country. We should at least be deducting the cost of these immigrants from the money we are sending to them. If it were Americans the Child Protective Service would be removing them from their home and filing charges of wreck less endangerment on us.
Then maybe, just maybe, the parents heard that the new laws would let children stay and at some point they will be able to join them. Whatever the story is i can not fault some one for trying to get to a better place ( as my ancestors did, legally ). It's just the little sneaky backdoor game i have a problem with. However it is not all the illegal immigrants fault. The politicians love to play their little games with immigration and border security to the point it's sickening. This is my home and damn if i will see it used as a pawn in some politician's bit for power. You lowlifes in Washington back the hell off!

Monday, May 26, 2014


It's not politically correct to be proud of where you are from or boast of the great things about your home. Since we are all supposed to be equal and no one better than the other there would be no need in having pride in such things. Yea- right ! We Texans have our own view of the world and we don't care if anyone thinks it's inappropriate. Your opinion of us does not affect our sense of pride or the reality of our circumstances. We have a long history of going against the odds and winning most of the time. 
Anyone in their right mind does not stand face to face to a real Texan and bash his home. It unleashes all kinds of fury, and a not so pleasant verbal abuse. If it doesn't- you are not talking to someone who really has Texas in their heart. We have liberals and conservatives here just as everyone else does. And in this time of everyone wanting to be worldly and imitate the rest of the planet, we have those as well. The real Texans are not concerned with what every other place does or does not do, how they act, what their standards are, or even what they want (especially from us). We concern ourselves with our standards, out traditions, our views, and we absolutely don't want any input from some outsiders who are not familiar with the aforementioned things. So the point being, come here, become one of us, you will not find a friendlier group of people, we will accept you as an equal as long as you accept you are in our home. It does not need to be like New York, Ohio, Mexico, South America, or any other place. It is a place of it's own, and most of the world should only be lucky enough to be like us. 
Most of us are not isolationists, but if you come here to change Texas into someplace else - get out!

Sunday, March 2, 2014



  I will say a few words on this touchy topic. I know it's not PC to comment on this topic but i will anyway. Being PC has never been a talent of mine. Now before anyone on either side of this topic gets fired up and decides what i am or am not before i even get started i will tell you i will not be gay bashing. Nor will i be endorsing the lifestyle. I simply have a few opinions on the topic and if you agree or not it is not relevant as they are just simply my opinions.
I do not think people who practice things outside the normal for most of the population should be persecuted or abused in any matter. It is a fact that most of the world is not gay and if it were there would be no repopulating and we would simply die out and fade away. The gay community can not sustain it's self without reproduction, which means the opposite sex has to be involved in the process. So there is no concept where homosexuality can be considered normal. Having the gay population expand in numbers does not make it normal, it simply reflects on the state of the population in general.
 I have no qualms with same sex marriage, and having the government recognize it. I do however have a problem with it be considered a normal marriage. Only by adoption or donor can this marriage produce children and that is not normal. I have a problem with being told i have to recognize it one way or the other. Once again if two same sex partners want to get married i could care less.
 It is my opinion that the majority of gays are very bright, articulate, and completely full of personality. Many are artists of some form. As with all groups there are the exceptions, but i am speaking generally.
 As a man of faith in questions of this matter i always go to man's user manual ( the bible ) for the answer. God did not mince words about homosexuality. He did not think it was a good idea. He also told us judgement was his domain and for man to stay out of it. We are to love all people the same as we do ourselves. And we do not have to answer for sin that is not our own. You don't have to agree with or understand another man's view of life to treat them with respect.

       Be good to one another and God bless

Sunday, December 8, 2013



Aah the fantasy life. A place where no one is without a job. Where no one has to pay for insurance. The place where there is no prejudice. The life where there is no wrong. Where no one is homeless. A place where no one goes hungry. A life where no one has to work long hours to pay the bills. A world where compromise and diplomacy solves all disputes. Yes that would be the place to be........ IF IT WERE REAL!
There is a large segment of the population and the world for that matter that has fallen into this fantasy world and refuses to come out into reality. They are convinced that because it can be envisioned it has to be attainable. And they refuse to see the cruelty involved in trying to implement this philosophy on the country and the world. The true horrors of this idea will come to pass as sure as the sun will rise.This is not the first try at this, it's not even the third, and it always ends in bondage of some degree for the citizens of the population it is tried upon.
Turning your back on the Almighty gives the moral decay needed to begin the process. Controlling the educational process diminishes the resistance to such ideas. Steering the government in the desired direction is the next step. See a familiar pattern here?
It has been my experience that living in the fantasy world is sinful at best, and a sure path to destruction. Can you really fantasize your rent paid, or your work done? Can you fantasize not getting old, or replacing lost body parts with no effort at all?  Does it make them real? No, of course not. I am not talking about goals, that is something completely different.
The problem with having these fantasies is they can become real to the person or people doing the fantasizing. Hence the problem we are now faced with. These are not adults living in a child's fantasy, these are people so invested in a fantasy that no matter what stark reality is staring at them they will not slow down or change course. No amount of evidence will get through, no amount of talking will awaken them. Only when the horrors come to them will they snap out of it, and even then not all will come around.
Even as the beast they created is devouring them, they will still be singing it's praises until they are gone from here.
The problem is they are not alone in this. We are unfortunately stuck in the mire with them.
It has been a while since i have been compelled to write on my blogs, I really wanted to see how far down the rabbit hole the American public and it's politicians were willing to go. And much to my surprise and amazement I found out- all the way.
We have no way of knowing how bad things are screwed up in Washington and our local governments, they will never tell the public the whole truth at this point. We have let them believe they don't answer to us, that in fact they are in control of us. But one thing is for sure- it's bad.
There are no shortage of people telling you how bad it's going to be. And they cover all spectrum's of life, all political parties, all walks of life .
One thing for sure it's going to be hurt. All fear mongering aside there is no way to come out of this with out pain.  No one- and I mean no one really knows how bad our collapse is going to be- but collapse we will. We have ignored the realities of life, we have shirked the responsibility for our own lives, we have handed the reins of the kingdom to fools and charlatans to focus on our own desires to the point we are now on a path of no return.
Now it's up to us and God as to how hard we hit bottom, doing a bump and roll- or a crash and burn.
Anyone hearing this? God help us and protect us!