Monday, May 26, 2014


It's not politically correct to be proud of where you are from or boast of the great things about your home. Since we are all supposed to be equal and no one better than the other there would be no need in having pride in such things. Yea- right ! We Texans have our own view of the world and we don't care if anyone thinks it's inappropriate. Your opinion of us does not affect our sense of pride or the reality of our circumstances. We have a long history of going against the odds and winning most of the time. 
Anyone in their right mind does not stand face to face to a real Texan and bash his home. It unleashes all kinds of fury, and a not so pleasant verbal abuse. If it doesn't- you are not talking to someone who really has Texas in their heart. We have liberals and conservatives here just as everyone else does. And in this time of everyone wanting to be worldly and imitate the rest of the planet, we have those as well. The real Texans are not concerned with what every other place does or does not do, how they act, what their standards are, or even what they want (especially from us). We concern ourselves with our standards, out traditions, our views, and we absolutely don't want any input from some outsiders who are not familiar with the aforementioned things. So the point being, come here, become one of us, you will not find a friendlier group of people, we will accept you as an equal as long as you accept you are in our home. It does not need to be like New York, Ohio, Mexico, South America, or any other place. It is a place of it's own, and most of the world should only be lucky enough to be like us. 
Most of us are not isolationists, but if you come here to change Texas into someplace else - get out!