Sunday, December 8, 2013



Aah the fantasy life. A place where no one is without a job. Where no one has to pay for insurance. The place where there is no prejudice. The life where there is no wrong. Where no one is homeless. A place where no one goes hungry. A life where no one has to work long hours to pay the bills. A world where compromise and diplomacy solves all disputes. Yes that would be the place to be........ IF IT WERE REAL!
There is a large segment of the population and the world for that matter that has fallen into this fantasy world and refuses to come out into reality. They are convinced that because it can be envisioned it has to be attainable. And they refuse to see the cruelty involved in trying to implement this philosophy on the country and the world. The true horrors of this idea will come to pass as sure as the sun will rise.This is not the first try at this, it's not even the third, and it always ends in bondage of some degree for the citizens of the population it is tried upon.
Turning your back on the Almighty gives the moral decay needed to begin the process. Controlling the educational process diminishes the resistance to such ideas. Steering the government in the desired direction is the next step. See a familiar pattern here?
It has been my experience that living in the fantasy world is sinful at best, and a sure path to destruction. Can you really fantasize your rent paid, or your work done? Can you fantasize not getting old, or replacing lost body parts with no effort at all?  Does it make them real? No, of course not. I am not talking about goals, that is something completely different.
The problem with having these fantasies is they can become real to the person or people doing the fantasizing. Hence the problem we are now faced with. These are not adults living in a child's fantasy, these are people so invested in a fantasy that no matter what stark reality is staring at them they will not slow down or change course. No amount of evidence will get through, no amount of talking will awaken them. Only when the horrors come to them will they snap out of it, and even then not all will come around.
Even as the beast they created is devouring them, they will still be singing it's praises until they are gone from here.
The problem is they are not alone in this. We are unfortunately stuck in the mire with them.
It has been a while since i have been compelled to write on my blogs, I really wanted to see how far down the rabbit hole the American public and it's politicians were willing to go. And much to my surprise and amazement I found out- all the way.
We have no way of knowing how bad things are screwed up in Washington and our local governments, they will never tell the public the whole truth at this point. We have let them believe they don't answer to us, that in fact they are in control of us. But one thing is for sure- it's bad.
There are no shortage of people telling you how bad it's going to be. And they cover all spectrum's of life, all political parties, all walks of life .
One thing for sure it's going to be hurt. All fear mongering aside there is no way to come out of this with out pain.  No one- and I mean no one really knows how bad our collapse is going to be- but collapse we will. We have ignored the realities of life, we have shirked the responsibility for our own lives, we have handed the reins of the kingdom to fools and charlatans to focus on our own desires to the point we are now on a path of no return.
Now it's up to us and God as to how hard we hit bottom, doing a bump and roll- or a crash and burn.
Anyone hearing this? God help us and protect us!